Plato Healthcare Advances to Finals in Rural Innovation Alliance's 2024 Delta Innovator Search

By Peter Albrecht, Founder / CEO | August 21, 2024

We are thrilled to announce that Plato Healthcare has been chosen as a finalist in the 2024 Delta Innovator Search, an initiative led by the Rural Innovation Alliance. This prestigious competition recognizes groundbreaking innovations that have the potential to transform the Delta region’s economy and contribute to better health outcomes for its residents.

Rural Innovation Final Pitches
Delta Innovator Search Final Pitches are September 25, 2024

The Delta Innovator Search aims to identify entrepreneurs, scientists, healthcare providers, agricultural leaders, and other innovators with new solutions that have the potential to transform the region’s economy and contribute to better health outcomes for Delta residents.

Solutions could include new goods or products, scientific or technical innovations, services, business models, financial strategies, or projects to build the necessary infrastructure for resilient economic growth.

At Plato Healthcare, we are focused on addressing rural health outcomes, especially in areas like the Mississippi Delta. By providing a secure and scalable personal health record system, we see opportunities for improving continuity of care, speeding up referrals, lowering healthcare costs, and reducing clinician administrative burdens.

Our approach ensures that patients and healthcare providers can work more effectively, leading to better care and more positive health outcomes in these underserved regions.

5 out of 5 stars

"We are incredibly proud to be recognized as a finalist in the Delta Innovator Search. This recognition validates our work and gives us a platform to further advance rural healthcare innovation, particularly in the Mississippi Delta."

Peter Albrecht
Peter Albrecht
Founder and CEO of Plato Healthcare

Plato Healthcare Sees Opportunity in the Delta Region

In the Mississippi Delta, where healthcare challenges are magnified, we see the fragmented state of healthcare records as a major obstacle to better health outcomes. The lack of coordination between disparate electronic health record (EHR) systems undermines the ability of healthcare providers to deliver high-quality, coordinated care.

Click Here To Learn More About the Delta Innovator Search

At Plato Healthcare, we believe that the future of healthcare lies in empowering patients with a Personal Health Record (PHR)—a secure, patient-facing solution that centralizes and organizes all their health information.

Our mission is to build a secure, user-friendly PHR that gives patients full control over their medical data. This not only improves the continuity of care between healthcare providers but also ensures that patients are always equipped with the most up-to-date information about their health.

1. Continuity of Care

By providing patients with a unified view of their healthcare information, we help ensure that healthcare providers always have access to accurate, complete records. This reduces the risks associated with missing or incomplete patient data and facilitates smoother coordination between providers, resulting in better patient care.

2. Speed of Referrals

We aim to eliminate delays in the referral process by allowing healthcare providers to access patient records instantly. This not only speeds up the process of getting patients the care they need but also reduces the time patients spend waiting for critical referrals, which is particularly important in rural areas like the Delta.

3. Reducing Healthcare Costs

Our personal health record solution also helps reduce costs by minimizing redundant tests, unnecessary procedures, and other inefficiencies caused by fragmented medical records. Additionally, by improving coordination and data accuracy, we hope to decrease unneeded hospital admissions and emergency department visits.

These improvements have the potential to save insurance companies, government health agencies, and healthcare systems significant amounts of money, while improving the overall health of the community.

4. Easing Clinician Burden

With less time spent on chasing down patient records and more time focused on direct care, healthcare providers can reduce their administrative workload. Our PHR system helps clinicians dedicate more time to their patients, improving the quality of care while reducing burnout among healthcare professionals.

Final Presentations are September 25

The final presentations for the Rural Innovation Alliance's 2024 Delta Innovator Search will take place on September 25, 2024 in Little Rock, Arkansas. We are excited to showcase our innovative work and how Plato Healthcare can make a real difference in improving health outcomes in rural areas.

Plato Healthcare in action

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Photos by Unsplash photographers.