So, how does it work?

No app download. Get started in 3 easy steps.

1. Pick a plan.

Go to our Get Plato Healthcare section and pick a plan that works for you.

2. Get a text message from us.

When you sign up, you will immediately get a text message from us.

3. Talk to us.

That's it.

Yep, it's that easy.

Once we've connected with you, we'll ask you a few basic questions to get to know your healthcare history, your health goals, and what you ultimately want out of Plato Healthcare.

When we start collecting your information, we organize it and store it securely for you in our HIPAA compliant data storage. We'll provide you login information so you can easily access it 24/7.

Through this process we get to know you better, which let's us tailor our services to meet your goals.

Now enjoy having a 24/7 healthcare expert that personally knows you.